Friday 8 October 2010

Relief Form :)

Our Relief Form work was inspired by the work of Cara Barer .
Our task was to create an imaginative piece with inspiration from Cara Barer's work. She first got the idea after seeing a yellow pages book in the rain and seeing the waves and shapes that formed when it was out in the rain. She then tried it out herself, dampening the pages and then curling them into all sorts of circles, swirls, and twists.

We tried to create something similar ourselves in class. We were given a slab of a magazine, and a hand full of paper clips, and started to shape the pages. It was quite fun but it took quite a long time (: After we had paper clipped all of our work, we had to glue where the paperclips had been to give it a better finish. I think our work looks quite similar to Cara Barer's work and am pleased with it (:

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